I would like to wish you all. Now a days whole world suffered from highly painful ailments, great distress mentally and financially, need to be cured promptly and effectively.
It was a chance, the noble soul, Dr. Chandrama Prasad Gupta was an eminent allopath having a vast theoretical and practical knowledge in alternative medicine like-Homeopathy, Electro-Homeopathy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga and converted himself as a Homeopath in 1942 Because he always used to think that if a drug works, why do we need to change it ? Also it is well known to all, the drug builds up side effects. The patients become drug addicted and so the drugs are priscribed in stronge doses.
He worked hard for its development and this is why, the Bihar government had nominated as a member of Bihar State Board of Homeopathic System of Medicine.
Out of these especially he added Electro-Homeopathic System of Medicine Because this system balance the blood and Lymph of the body and its future is bright.
This institution provides proper facilities of personal contact, class / face to face training to its students for theoretical and practical classes. Every Indian, National, irrespective cast/colour/sex/creed/economical status/employed/unemployed is eligible to seek admission.
This group has been established with the motto- "Health for All" & "Education for All", "Save World Without Drug".
I wish you every success in career and wonderful experience.